6) how to track no of user logged in ?
Ans : whenever a user logs in track
the IP, userID etc..and store it in a DB with a active flag while log out or
sesion expire make it inactive. At any time by counting the no: of active
records we can get the no: of visitors.
7) in PHP for pdf which library used?
Ans : The PDF functions in PHP
can create PDF files using the PDFlib library With version 6, PDFlib offers an
object-oriented API for PHP 5 in addition to the function-oriented API for PHP
4. There is also the » Panda module. FPDF is a PHP class which allows to
generate PDF files with pure PHP, that is to say without using the PDFlib
library. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and
modify it to suit your needs. FPDF requires no extension (except zlib to
activate compression and GD for GIF support) and works with PHP4 and PHP5.
8) for image work which library?
Ans : we will need to compile PHP
with the GD library of image functions for this to work. GD and PHP may also
require other libraries, depending on which image formats you want to work with.
9) what is design pattern? singleton pattern?
Ans : A design pattern is a
general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design.
The Singleton design pattern allows many parts of a program to share a
single resource without having to work out the details of the sharing
10) what are magic methods?
Ans : Magic methods are the
members functions that is available to all the instance of class Magic methods
always starts with "__". Eg. __construct All magic methods needs to
be declared as public To use magic method they should be defined within the
class or program scope Various Magic Methods used in PHP 5 are: __construct()
__destruct() __set() __get() __call() __toString() __sleep() __wakeup()
__isset() __unset() __autoload() __clone()
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